Unique Weston
You Can Begin Again was more than a blessing it was miracle for my life. At age 21 I was homeless after being in foster care my whole life an had no where to go and had given up on all my dreams and aspirations. I remember the day I met Tina like it was yesterday. I called her and set up an appointment at Village Inn. She was the sweetest woman I had ever met and I was so nervous she would judge me and look down at me for my circumstances, She paid for my lunch and she didn't judge me. She told me about her past and how You can begin again started. The first thing I thought was If woman so strong as her went through all she went through then I just need to trust in God and believe I can get through anything too! Ms. Tina RUSHED me into my apartment in a weeks time, no one not my parents, not my foster parents and not even my adopted mother had ever been so willing to help me out, and here was this stranger doing her best to get me into a stable living situation that I yearned for terrible. I moved in not only to a classsy apartment but fully furnished with everything any 21 girl could ask for! I was set, I felt like the luckiest girl alive! From then on My dream, goals and aspirations that had been buried inside of me had come alive again and that's when my dream as a designer FLOURISHED.
I bought my first sewing machine and now that I had a comfortable place to sew, I sewed myself to sleep. I enrolled myself in school. I started my own modeling agency. I even built my own website, designed my own business cards and registered my business under Colorado as a LLC! August of 2011 to Feb 2013 I became more successful than I ever imagined I could become. There is NO WAY I could've ever been able to fully follow my dreams as a designer and model if it want for Ms. Tina and her wonderful program. With the weekly meetings and the monthly classes I become more of the woman God wanted me to be and for that I will always love Ms. Tina and when I become a millionaire Ms. Tina will be the first person I cut a check too.
Her program not only changed my life but it still changing and blessing my little sisters life who joined the program months after me when she amancipated from foster care! So that should show you that She is an amazing woman of the Lord who even took my sister in out of all the girls out there who have no one. I wasn't all the way successful as far as money on the program, but in my heart I know that I was successful in my own way and would've never accomplished half the goals I accomplished while in the program! I thought my passion in life was only fashion but I've gained a passion for modeling and also changing other girls lives with my past and story just because Ms. Tina changed my life with hers!! I'm most certainly a better woman than I was 18 months ago and I owe It all to “You Can Begin Again” and of course the WONDERFUL, TALENTED, BLESSED, GODLY, AMAZING Ms.Tina Carter.