You Can Begin Again Fundraiser

Tina Carter - You Can Begin Again/You Can Begin Too


We are launching Project 3000! Our goal is to reach 3000 persons who will contribute $5.00 per week.  This is a great opportunity to pair with You Can Begin Again (YCBA) and You Can Begin Again Too (YCBAT).  YCBA is a nonprofit 501c3 organization designed to assist young ladies who have aged out of the foster care system and emancipated into society.  YCBA has been incorporated since 2008 and organized to accept the first recipient in 2010.  Our motto is to “Give a hand up, not a hand out”.  

YCBA and YCBAT provides housing, employment resources, and healthcare options.  We equip young women with basic skills that may not have been taught or learned while in previous placements.  We prepare young women with life skills that are beneficial not only today, but throughout their lives; skills such as housekeeping, managing finances, hygiene care and job readiness training.  We monitor their progress and encourage new life skills and habits.   

Project 3000! is an individual or group contribution where each person commits to a weekly contribution of $5.00 per week, the average cost for a cup of coffee, or a monthly contribution of $20.00.  What a minimal amount to give, to create a great change in the lives of others. The young women of YCBA/YCBAT would benefit from your consistent annual gift.  Although any gift is greatly appreciated, a commitment to sacrifice $5.00 a week under Project 3000! makes a tremendous difference in the life of just one young lady.  Can we count on you to make up the 3000 committed partners?  Will you gather your circle to join Project 3000!?  Will your organization meet the challenge of Project 3000!?   

Please visit our website or contact us for questions concerning Project 3000! or other avenues of assistance. Thank you for your time and consideration, we look forward to hearing from you soon.  For your convenience please visit our website and donate online or mail donations to : You Can Begin Again, P.O. Box 472823 Aurora CO 80047 or 2401 SE 11th Street Topeka Kansas 66604.

Mail-in donations:
You Can Begin Again
P.O. Box 472823
Aurora CO 80047

Online donations:

Warmest Regards,

District Missionary Tina Carter
Founder and Executive Director

All donations are tax deductable

Everyone has a circle of Friends, You Can Begin Again is asking that everyone contact your friends, family, church members, sororities, colleagues and take the challenge. Many Hands will make the load light.